National Billiards and Pool Day

National Billiards and Pool Day is celebrated annually on August 9th, a day dedicated to the enjoyment and appreciation of the classic games of billiards and pool. These games, which involve […]

International Cat Day

International Cat Day, celebrated annually on August 8th, is a special day dedicated to honouring and appreciating our feline companions. Established in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare […]

Scottish Wildcat Day

Scottish Wildcat Day is dedicated to raising awareness and promoting the conservation of the Scottish wildcat, one of the most endangered mammals in the United Kingdom. Celebrated annually on August […]

National Happiness Happens Day

National Happiness Happens Day is celebrated annually on August 8th. This day is dedicated to recognising and celebrating the moments of happiness that occur in everyday life. It encourages people […]

Father’s Day (Taiwan)

Father's Day in Taiwan, celebrated on August 8th, is a unique and significant observance dedicated to honouring fathers and their contributions to family and society. This date is chosen due […]