Kushe Aushi

Kushe Aunshi, also known as Kushotpatini Aunshi or Pitri Aunshi, is a revered festival in Nepal, celebrated primarily by the Hindu community. Falling on the no-moon day (Aunshi) of the […]

Nepal Father’s Day

Nepal Father’s Day, known as Kushe Aunsi or Buwa Ko Mukh Herne Din in the Nepali language translates to “the day to look at your father’s face”, and is a […]

Independence Day (Vietnam)

Independence Day in Vietnam, celebrated annually on 2nd September, is one of the most significant national holidays in the country. This day marks the proclamation of Vietnam’s independence from French […]

National Hug Your Hound Day

National Hug Your Hound Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the deep bond between humans and their canine companions. Observed annually on the second Sunday of September, this […]

National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day

National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day is a day dedicated to recognising the remarkable contributions of nurses who specialise in the care of children and adolescents facing the dual challenges of […]

World Physical Therapy Day

World Physical Therapy Day, observed on 8 September each year, is a global event dedicated to recognising and celebrating the vital role of physical therapists in healthcare. This day aims […]